Aside from an assortment of kites for different wind conditions, you will need to mount two electric reels near your riggers. Rigging the kite lines is essentially the same, but the orientation of the gear within the boat and how you run the lines is the key difference. If you’re dead set on fishing like the pro’s, you will need to invest in the gear first. Still, there are many lessons to be learned from this orientation and if you’re up for the challenge, you can build a tournament winning spread for just under $3000.00.
It takes some doing to build a set up like this for yourself, not to mention a full inventory of kite fishing equipment and expensive electric reels (most popularly the Daiwa Tanacom Bull or Krystal XL 601). Most large charter boats and pro-rigged center consoles fish two kites with up to six baits, flying kites off the riggers using stainless steel rings to keep the spread wide and controlled. If you’ve chartered offshore before or have fished with seasoned kite fishing pros on larger sportfishers you’ve likely observed the impressive methods a skilled crew utilizes to run the lines. It’s not that hard once you practice and get used to the routine of sending out the baits and adjusting the tension on the release clips to match the wind. …and that’s basically it! Some might balk and say three baits is a bit much to manage…but MAN UP! Most charter boats fish SIX baits at any time…so learn to fish three. Slide a tri bead on the line and then tie on the snap swivel (this will be the kite connection – tie the strongest knot you can think of).Wind everything back onto the reel, slide on the release clips in the specified order (clip with the largest pre-drilled hole goes first).Measure another 60 ft and then cut the line again – tie in the largest of the three swivels.measure another 60 ft and then cut the line again – tie in your second swivel (the medium size swivel in the kit).Tie in the smallest swivel using a uni knot or a tuna knot.Pull 80 ft of line off the reel (measure this carefully) and then cut it (keep track of the 80 ft mark.

Spool your kite reel with at least 100 yards of braid.The best way to set up this rig is to purchase a kite line rigging kit like this, buy some strong braided line ( I like dacron personally, but it weighs down the kite in light wind scenarios) and then follow these steps: If you invest in quality release clips and strong swivels, you increase the likelihood of the rig lasting you an entire season or more. Kite Hunter and Blacks make excellent kite rigging kits that you can buy at just about any reputable tackle store in Miami, Florida. Whether you’re rigging a line with two or three baits – you need to use high quality release clips, a strong main line, and the strongest swivels you can get. I know its a popular brand and lots of recreational anglers use their kite fishing gear effectively – but it will fail on you with time and the release clips are worthless IMHO. Now first of all, don’t use Aftco products when you’re setting up your kite fishing rig. It can be fished from a spool or a penn senator and doesn’t require much effort to use it effectively. The rig is simple, effective, and reliable. Essentially, it requires minimal rigging in a world where technical know-how can mean the difference between hooking fish in tough sea conditions or going home empty handed. This was the original kite fishing rig that has been used since the late 70s (and variations well before that). We’ve learned to kite fish in practically any fishable condition, and my goal here is to illustrate several of the techniques we’ve utilized with great success through the years. For that matter, breaking fragile (and expensive) kite fishing equipment is inevitable and in most instances alot more goes wrong than right when it comes to flying two kites in rough seas.

The rigs you use are equally as important as the hardware – and there are lots of choices when it comes to big league kite fishing gear. Kite fishing is absolutely my favorite ways to catch sailfish off Miami in the wintertime…and it’s definitely a skill set which keeps you on your toes. While maintenance kept us onshore for a few days, I took the time to inventory our kite fishing equipment and thought it would be an excellent opportunity to provide some direction on kite fishing tips, rigging techniques, and our most essential gear for the impending sailfish season. Jumbo threadfin herring are piling up at the bait grounds and the sailfish bite is just starting to pick up. Several cold fronts have pushed through in the last few weeks and the temperature has taken a dip a few times in a row. Some of the absolute best kite fishing of the year is about to happen. Ray describes the history of kite fishing with Fly Navvaro of Fly Zone FishingĪ Miami Sailfish Caught While Kite Fishing