Give us peace of mind as we go about our daily activities and guide us to overcome every obstacle that we encounter on our journey through life. May we rely upon your presence at all times, especially when we least expect it. We ask you to help us find strength in times of difficulty, courage when faced with uncertainty and confidence when confronted by challenges. May your intercession be with us in the face of the storms which beset our lives, that we may find comfort in your guidance. We pray to you for the protection of our families and loved ones. Please give us strength and courage so that we may fight for what is right,Īnd help us to stand strong in our faith despite any adversity. We ask that you protect us from all evil and harm,Īnd that you guide us through those trying times. Help me find strength within myself through faith in Jesus Christ our Savior, who died on the cross so that we could be saved from sin and live eternally with Him in Heaven.” Help me find strength within myself through exercise and healthy eating habits. Help me find peace within myself through prayer and worship of God. Help me make choices that honor God and follow His word. Help me to know what choices are healthy and which ones are not so healthy.

Help me to see clearly what is important in my life and what is not. I ask you for guidance in making decisions that are right for me, that are good for me, and that will bring peace into my life. I come to you with the weight of my choices. I come to you with the burden of my sins and the weight of my guilt. I come to you with my spirit heavy and my mind burdened. O Holy Mother of God, Santa Marta la Dominadora, I come to you with a broken heart. We honor you because we know that it is through your intercession that we can be transformed by the Holy Spirit into people who are able to love deeply and serve others in ways that bring glory to God and peace to our world. We honor you for the way that you have moved us to action. We honor you for your compassion, which allows us to be vulnerable. We honor you for your strength and courage. Sean felices y siempre tengan lo necesario. Haz que este mundo se convierta en un paraíso. Vivimos en un mundo de injusticias y de guerras.Īyudadnos a encontrar el camino del amor y la paz. Por favor, ayúdame a ver las cosas desde una perspectiva diferente y a creer en mí misma.Īyúdame a tomar decisiones acertadas y no cometer errores como el pasado: recuperar el tiempo perdido y vivir con mayor intensidad y plenitud.Īyúdame a ser feliz conmigo misma y con los demás dame fuerzas para seguir adelante sin importar lo Santa marta dominadora novena Yo soy responsable de mis actos, pues he de aprender a cambiar mi actitud si quiero que las cosas cambien en mi favor. Te pido que me ayudes a entender lo que está pasando en mi vida y por qué no veo resultados positivos. La confianza que te tengo es grande, porque sé que eres una fuerza creadora y no destructiva. Santa Marta, la Dominadora, te suplico que me liberes de todos los males que puedas imaginar. Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos.

No hay nada que no puedas conseguir en nosotros por medio de tu intercesión. La felicidad de los fieles acompaña tu paso. I pray for myself, too: that I will get a raise at work so that we can buy new clothes and furniture that we can take a vacation together and that I will be able to retire someday soon so that I no longer have to work so hard after all these years of service at the company where I currently work. I pray that they will get into good colleges and become successful adults. I pray for my children, who have been working hard but still need help with their homework. I pray that they will find new jobs and be able to afford food.

I pray for my family, who are struggling to make ends meet. santa marta la dominadora prayer in spanish

We at churchgists have all the information that you need about santa marta la dominadora prayer in spanish. “Buenos días, te llamo porque te agradecería que pudieras informarme de los horarios que tienen para la semana santa en Santa Marta.”so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on santa marta la dominadora prayer in spanish, santa marta dominadora novena. It is for that reason that we’ve decided to dedicate an article to this city, seeking to uncover its secrets and explain its most traditional customs, as well as inform travelers who plan their trip to this town in Colombia. The spectacular mountain scenery and ecology make La Santa Marta one of the most unforgettable places of Colombia. This town of less than 1000 inhabitants is mostly known as the place where liberator Simon Bolivar lived with his troops when fighting against Spain and after independence. La Santa Marta is a little village located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Magdalena Valley, on the shores of one of the most beautiful nature reserves of Colombia.